Why You Need to Make Time for Creativity


As an independent worker, you’re undoubtedly juggling a full schedule with new work always on the horizon. While vital in reaching your career goals, all that hustling can eat up your time. You still should find time to spend creatively, so you don’t leave your artistic visions on the back burner. If you long for the days of letting your creativity run wild, you’re in luck. When you make time for creativity, you can benefit in all the following ways.

Creative Outlets Improve Mental and Physical Health

Whether you like to paint RC car bodies, write vivid poems, or dream up new songs, your preferred creative outlets can improve both your mental and physical health. Creativity helps dissipate stress and decrease anxiety while serving as an outlet for bottled up emotions.

As stress decreases, the risk of developing serious physical ailments declines and immune system function improves. You might even notice that you can fall asleep faster and sleep much longer as your creative outlets help keep stress at bay.

Art and Other Creative Hobbies Help Forge Bonds with Others

Through your creative works, you can let people see an all-new side of yourself, letting your full depth of character shine. That authentic view encourages collaboration and opens up the doors to level of support you never even knew you needed. You can then use those connections as a steppingstone to building stronger friendships and strengthening professional relationships as well. You can find others with the same passions, take a class from someone with experience, or even share your own experiences by teaching.

Your Business Endeavors Can Benefit from an Artistic Touch

When you put your all into creative outlets, there’s a big chance for overlap in your business endeavors. If you learn how to create digital art, for example, you can potentially extend that service to your writing clients by offering to create their infographics and other online images.

With that move, you open the doors to asking for a higher rate and attracting even more clients your way. You can even keep adding to your skillset with sites like Skillshare to further expand your offerings.

Passion Projects Can Quickly Turn into Lucrative Side Hustles

Even if you cannot immediately use your creative outlets to further your success as a gig worker, your passion projects can quickly turn into lucrative side hustles. As you explore new creative activities to try, you might land on something that can help you make it big in the future. You just have to keep working on building your skills and sharing your creations with the world to get to a point where you can market your creations.

Despite knowing the importance of making time for creativity every day, you might still find it hard to find even one extra hour per day. If that’s the case, then start working on boosting productivity, so you can free up time for your creative outlets. Once you do that, you’ll start reaping the rewards, making it even easier to get creative on a regular basis.

About the Author: Marie Abendroth is a skilled content strategist and SEO copywriter who has been a proud part of the gig economy for over 10 years. In her articles, she aims to provide up-to-date info that can help everyone achieve their goals as an independent worker. You can find her on WriterAccess.

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