How to Get (and Stay) Prepared for Your Shift

Person serving waffles at waffle cart.

It’s hard to describe the thrill and pride you feel when you open an email that says ‘You’re Hired!’ First, there’s excitement for a new opportunity you’ve now gained access to. Then, there’s pride because you were selected from a pool of other applicants. But after, maybe there’s a little bit of nervousness as you prepare to walk into a new place for the first time.
To help you keep that excitement and push past the nervousness, here are some things you can do before (and after) your scheduled shift:

Ask Before You Go

  1. When do I work? – There might be time between when you applied for a shift and when you were hired, so it’s good to double check your calendar to make sure you’re available to work. Verify the date, time and distance from your home to ensure you’re at your worksite on time and not at that doctor’s appointment you forgot you scheduled.
  2. Is there recommended transportation or parking available? Nothing’s worse than getting stuck in traffic on your way to work! A helpful tip, ask your hiring manager pre-shift if they have any suggested shortcuts or places to park so you aren’t caught by surprise. Using a shuttle or parking in an employee lot could be the difference from being right on time or being 15 minutes late.
  3. Where do I go and who should I see? If it’s your first time at a new place, it’s great to ask what building you should be looking for and who you should be checking in with when you arrive. You aren’t on the clock until you start working — being lost in the building doesn’t count.
  4. What should I wear? Find out what the dress code is and follow it exactly (all black means all black). If you’ll receive a shirt or jacket onsite, don’t forget to inform your supervisor of your shirt size to ensure a good fit!
  5. Can I keep a jacket or bag with me? Some jobs let you keep your bag or jacket with you. If they’re not allowed, ask if there’s a place to safely store them or be sure to leave anything non-essential in your car or at home.
  6. When will I be paid? It’s okay to ask this question before you work so you can adjust your expectations. Badgering a hiring manager for pay after an event can leave a sour taste in their mouth –asking ahead of time avoids this problem and lets you know when it’s appropriate to follow up.

Now That It’s Over

Once your shift is done, you’ll probably want to kick off your shoes, launch the Jobble app and apply to your next job. But before you forget, here are a few suggestions to keep yourself organized until you are paid and truly ready to move on.

  1. Record your hours. For the record, keep track of the hours you’ve worked in case you or a hiring manager have questions about your pay. Showing up early or staying late doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll be paid for the extra time. If you’re requested to work outside of your scheduled hours, make sure to write down the name of the hiring manager who approved your hours.
  2. Keep all job-related emails until after you get paid. It’s tempting to have an empty inbox, but don’t delete your emails immediately after you finish your shift, wait until your hours are finalized and you’ve been compensated for your work.
  3. Send a thank you. This might seem old school, but sending a thank-you note goes a long way. This small act of gratitude can lead to more job opportunities and also gives you a chance to ask to be notified when they post again.

Getting hired for a job is exciting. By confirming details, planning your commute and following your hiring manager’s expectations, you’ll check off all of the boxes. And remember, don’t forget to keep track of the hours you worked and the names of the managers you interacted with. Being punctual, well-informed and grateful, will make you a Jobbler that hiring managers love.

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