How to Balance Being Eco-Conscious and Financially Savvy


As climate change slowly but surely wreaks havoc on the Earth as we know it, the pressure is on to make more and more eco-conscious choices. At the same time, the cost of living continues to outpace wages, resulting in the need to tighten your purse strings. So, how are you supposed to achieve even a semblance of balance between being eco-conscious and financially savvy? Here are a few tips to help you get going.

Ditch the Debt for Good

You cannot truly live a financially responsible life if you’re in debt. So, focus on ditching the debt as fast as you can, starting with your accounts with the highest interest rates.

Once you’re out of debt, you’ll find it much easier to make strategic financial decisions – and cut back on spending if need be. You’ll also have more money for your emergency fund, retirement accounts, and savings.

Plus, the freedom from debt opens up opportunities to take more calculated risks with your finances, which often have the highest payoffs. In fact, you might even find that the lack of debt frees up funds for a financial advisor who can let you know just where to grow your money.

Invest in Green Technology

If you want to truly put your money into helping the environment, it all starts with investments in green technology. Renewable energy, alternative agriculture, and clean waste management are just a few investment options to consider.

Investing in any, or all, of these areas can not only help the planet but also start building your wealth. You can then put more money back into backing companies on a mission for true sustainability in their industries. You’ll also get a chance to spread the word about using your dollars to fight climate change, so other people can get on board as well.

Choose Products Responsibly

Your everyday spending habits can help promote the health of the Earth and your pocketbook as well. Start by embracing the first decree in the coveted three R’s of sustainability – Reduce.

Before you even need to think about recycling, it’s important to question if you even need to make the purchase in the first place. If not, then you don’t have to spend money or add to the consumption of natural resources and help fill up landfills.

If you do, see if you can get the item at a thrift store, garage sale, or by asking your local Buy Nothing group instead. Beyond that, consider only supporting sustainable companies when you do need to buy new. Wait for sales, look for coupons, or even ask the company for discount codes to bring the cost of the product into your budget range.

By taking these steps, you can effectively balance living an eco-conscious life while staying within your set budget. If you want to add dollars to the cause, consider jumping into the gig economy to make a little bit of side money. Your efforts will give your finances extra wiggle room, so you can go all out in supporting the health and wellbeing of the Earth.

About the Author: Marie Abendroth is a skilled content strategist and SEO copywriter who has been a proud part of the gig economy for over 10 years. In her articles, she aims to provide up-to-date info that can help everyone achieve their goals as an independent worker. You can find her on WriterAccess here.

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